
Showing posts from October, 2021

How to Create a Blog Strategy (6 Steps)

How to Create a Blog Strategy (6 Steps) – You wanna create a successful blog but nothing you try seems to be working or maybe you’ve had a go at creating a strategy or an action plan, but you’re just not quite getting anywhere. I get it, that’s frustrating. I’ve been there myself. Hey, I’m Bunifas . And in this post, we’re gonna walk through the importance of having a clear strategy for your blog to get traffic and generate revenue. And we’re gonna walk through the 6 steps it takes to create one that’s actionable and reasonable for you to take action on today. This will be applicable no matter the type of blog you wanna create or where you are in your journey today and as I said we’re gonna go step-by-step so that you won’t get stuck or feel overwhelmed. Photo by Blog Strategy on What is a blog strategy? First and foremost what is a blog strategy? It’s not this nebulous thing that can’t be defined. A blog strategy is simply a clear map that will path you towards your goals.

How to Write Faster: 10 Tips to Get Over Writer's Block (and Become a Prolific Blogger)

How to Write Faster :10 Tips to Get Over Writer’s Block – A lot of bloggers struggle with finding the time to write (and using that time effectively). If it’s ever taken you all day to write a blog post, or find it’s hard to keep going after an initial burst of motivation, writing can quickly get more than a little discouraging. You may even think that some bloggers are just naturally fast writers, but the truth is that anyone can increase their writing speed and get more writing done. Let’s dive in and explore 10 practical ways to boost your writing speed without sacrificing the quality. Faster Writter How to Write Faster: 10 Tips to Get Over Writer’s Block To be a successful blogger, you have to consistently create content. There’s no way around it. You can’t just publish whenever you get a spark of inspiration or you carve out a couple of hours here or there. Rather, you need to get into a regular rhythm of publishing content, and that’s why it helps to write faster. I’m

21 Blogging Tips : Advice for Starting a Profitable Blog Today

21 Blogging Tips : Now in blog article today, we’re going to be walking through 21 highly actionable blogging tips and pieces of advice that you can take and apply to growing your own audience and monetizing your readership as well. So you want to grow your blog by driving traffic and making more money, but there’s so much blogging advice out there.It can get overwhelming. It’s easy to think of all the things that you should be doing with your blog, that you can actually get paralyzed and end up doing nothing at all. I’ve gathered these tips here today from both my own experiences and from conversations with some of the world’s top bloggers, and we’re going to be covering three main sections. 1. Launching your blog. 2. Getting readers, growing your traffic 3. Making money from your blog. 1. launching your blog. These tips in section number one are going to be all about launching your blog. Tip #1: Create blogging habits that set you up for long-term success My biggest, most important b