
My School Essay in 1000+ words

My School Essay: It’s a source to be proud for me to say that I go to school (Write in the title of the institution you attend). The school has played a significant role in the formation of some of the most brilliant minds that have ever led the globe. My School Essay in 1000+ words The greatest ever leaders such as engineers, scientists, doctors and warriors, politicians, and so on. These classrooms are essential to the future of a nation. My School is a huge, solid, and sturdy building that is welcoming to each new pupil here. It has a spacious and friendly playground. The air at our school is filled with a sweet and lush scent which makes the school airy and great. Each morning, when I arrive at the primary school I’m welcomed by the same people. The teachers, the principal, and the guards, as well as the peon in reality everyone treats us as family members. In addition to the books, We study and grow within the interactive and practical environment at our institution. Th...

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Essay in 500+ words

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is famous throughout the world for his work as the Architect of the Indian Constitution. The full title of his name is Bhimrao Ambedkar Ramji. Bhimrao was born on the 14th of April, 1891, in Mhow village, which is located in the Indore district in Madhya Pradesh. Bhimrao’s mother’s name is Bhimabai. The father of Bhimrao was Ramji a soldier. When Bhimrao was born in 1894, his dad Ramji was discharged from the army. Mother Bhimabai passed away within two years. Then, his father cared for Bhimrao in a very difficult circumstance. Ramji loved reading. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Essay He believed that exercise builds the body, while reading enhances the mind and helps strengthen the mind. Bhimrao was attracted by Ramji. When he went to school Bhimrao faced the stigma of being untouchable as he was a member of an ethnic group called the Mahar caste. We were faced with a variety of wrong behaviors. But they never stopped. The man was determined to improve this c...

My Father My Hero Essay in 500+ words

My Father My Hero Essay in 500+ words: My father isn’t just an inspiration to me but to all of us. Apart from being a great father, as well as a faithful husband, a loyal son, and to everyone else, He is a gracious and humble man. My Father My Hero Essay Additionally, He fairly takes everyone and does not make any kind of discriminate against any person. He is a household name in our family and friends and everybody praises his generosity to all who are in need. For advice, people turn to him since there is a solution for every issue. Ready to Help Others As we’ve seen in the films the hero is very well-known within his community, and so is my father as he is always ready to assist anyone anytime. I recall a recent instance that saw a colleague as well as a friend fell sick and required help, my father devotedly helped the family and him. My father assisted them during the most challenging situations when they needed help. In addition, he set up finances for them. At the moment, they’r...

What is precious water?

Water that is precious water What is precious water?: The water we drink is one of the items that we require the most, besides air, and thankfully water is plentiful generally speaking since about three-fourths or more of the earth’s surface is covered by water. This is an overall fact, and not all areas in the world have sufficient water and clean drinking water is a scarce commodity. The rivers may provide water or lakes may be supplying it. From a health perspective, the lakes may not be suitable to drink.  The majority of these water sources are polluted and may contain minerals and organic impurities. They can also contain the bacteria that cause epidemics, such as the ones that cause cholera and Typhoid. The chances of contamination in water sources are quite normal with new industries popping up and dispersing their effluents randomly. To make these water sources potable, they must be treated prior to being distributed to the population. The process of treating water and th...

E-Meeting Essay in 500 Words

E-Meeting Essay in 500 Words An electronic meeting is an online meeting that takes place on an electronic medium, using the right software program. E-Meeting can be a low-cost alternative to traveling physically to a place for a meeting with a customer or another part of the business. The term”eMeeting” can be used to refer to a version or dating software. However, it is not a dating app and is not the subject of this article. An eMeeting allows for live audio and visual interactions between conference participants. As businesses are struggling with the rising cost of business travel There are a variety of options being offered. One of these is eMeeting software. This software can facilitate the meeting in many different ways, but only one of them is offering video conference capabilities. The eMeeting platform is able to help businesses save millions on communication and travel costs as per one software maker. The key to any eMeeting is VOIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol....

New methods for teaching - Essay in 700 Words

New methods for teaching: The traditional approach to teaching was that the students should be passive participants. They were dependent on their teachers, and were molded into a particular pattern set by formal education and to be able to walk out of school with a wealth of facts which they’d all had to learn from memory and parrot-woes. Of course, not all of these facts had any relevance to real life. Children were instructed to absorb the information like sponges absorb water. This idea was well-reported in the writings of Addison in the 18th century. “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul,” Addison said. New methods for teaching – Essay in 700 Words Photo by Pew Nguyen on Today, the attitudes towards teaching have totally changed although a set of facts must be studied to pass an exam and as a basis for everyday life, nowadays, such facts do not constitute the “be all or the end-all. Every child is considered an in...

What is An SD Card Reader?

What is An SD Card Reader? – SD cards are tiny storage devices utilized to increase or supplement the capacity of memory on another device. An SD card reader can be described as a device that allows files stored on one’s SD memory card to be accessible. This kind of reader could be used as an external gadget and could be integrated into an existing device. An SD card can be utilized by a wide range of devices, including cellphones, computers as well as digital cameras. If someone is using the SD card reader then they can access the files which she saved without no needing the original device which was utilized to create the files. The card reader is able to, thus serve as a medium for people who want for copying or transfer files from another device into another. An external SD card reader will typically be a basic device. They are usually lightweight and compact. For use one simply has to insert the SD card into the slot. Some devices require that to ha...