New methods for teaching - Essay in 700 Words

New methods for teaching: The traditional approach to teaching was that the students should be passive participants. They were dependent on their teachers, and were molded into a particular pattern set by formal education and to be able to walk out of school with a wealth of facts which they’d all had to learn from memory and parrot-woes. Of course, not all of these facts had any relevance to real life. Children were instructed to absorb the information like sponges absorb water. This idea was well-reported in the writings of Addison in the 18th century. “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul,” Addison said.

New methods for teaching – Essay in 700 Words

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Today, the attitudes towards teaching have totally changed although a set of facts must be studied to pass an exam and as a basis for everyday life, nowadays, such facts do not constitute the “be all or the end-all. Every child is considered an individual and not just a number within an educational system. The goal of the teacher is to maximize the potential of every child. 

The child must be taught how to respond to and participate in activities related to learning and cooperate with the teacher in a way that his actions are connected to his life and develop his control over his environment. In the present, facts along with the subjects learned aren’t as important as the development of a child’s entire personality. Therefore, subjects cover a much greater range that ranges from practical and technical subjects to current business and current affairs.

In order to keep a child’s interest, the emphasis is put on purposeful learning, which is the practical task of all types for the student. The activities must be varied because the child quickly gets bored if an activity goes on all day long. The child’s interest isn’t stimulated or the skills learned.

New attitudes mean new methods. Oral teaching is a method that has been used for centuries. It is still in use, however, not to the same degree. The teacher must talk however the children are encouraged to talk also, to ask questions, and discuss. The teacher has a range of technological tools to aid him in speaking. Language labs where students can listen to the correct speech of foreign languages as well as record their own performances are widely employed. tape recordings of poetry, literature as well as plays can spark the interest of children and help to develop the love of these things.

Words must be supported by visual aids, which are essential. For instance, a British child who hasn’t seen Southeast Asia will know it better when he is shown images of the rice fields of Malaysia or Singapore’s lively harbor. British geography will be to live for the Malaysian child who can look at pictures of the black coal-mining region. Charts and diagrams can help with many subjects such as biology, science, or chemical. 

Film strips, which help children learn facts quicker than from a textbook are also widely used. It’s an easy task to explain the development of a plant starting from the seedling stage. It’s a far more revealing experience to observe it on film using a time-lapse camera, so that in just ten minutes, growing over a period of weeks can be observed. Mathematics also makes use in the form of visual tools. The problems can be explained and the ‘Cuisenaire’ device includes blocks and models to measure, all of which convey more information to students than just a boring textbook.

In contemporary teaching, there is a lot of emphasis put on creativity-based subjects like craftwork drama, music, and woodworking. In these classes, hands-on work is the norm for the day and the child’s growth is assessed by the final product.

Modern teaching incorporates the body, as well as the mind. A child must communicate and be able to vent. Therefore, all schools provide facilities for physical education and a range of games. Many provide swimming instruction. Extracurricular activities are thought to be essential. Thus, visits to art galleries, museums as well as theaters, and public games are arranged.

We’ve come a great far from the outdated conceptions of education that the three R’s or classics were all considered to be essential. Nowadays, the goal is to make the child live and live with. Like all innovations, time will provide the answer to the question of whether the child and the person has been benefited.

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