How to make a blog viral - 11+ excellent tips in 2021

If you write very good content but still your blog is not able to grow, then what can be the reason for this.
You may have started thinking that you are not able to share good content, while its Reasons can be some more and there can be many.

So there is absolutely no need to get frustrated with your blogging, but know those simple and
Important tips of blogging that will help you a lot in your blog ko Viral or Grow.

Important tips of blogging that will help you a lot in your blog ko Viral or Grow.

And to know all these tips, you have to read this post of Deepblogging till the end.

So let’s start and know the important and effective tips of getting Apne Blog ko Viral through these 11+ questions.

Is it easy to use your site and blog?
Everyone remembers to make their site or blog attractive. But often we forget that visiting the site should also be easy.
That is why Audience will be able to reach you easily and would like to come to your blog again and again. So keep Clear Navigation to make your site easy.

Use your Search Box in a place where it is easily visible so that readers can do a content search of their choice.

Make your blog mobile friendly so that you can reach more readers.

Keep in mind that if you do not like your site as a reader, there is a problem in understanding and using it, then it will not be easy to use for your readers as well.

Now, let’s talk about the other question, does your site take much time to open?

Site takes longer to open?

So the answer is that we all like speed a lot and it becomes more important when readers have options for a lot of sites.

So the answer is that we all like speed a lot and it becomes more important when readers have options for a lot of sites.

In such a situation, the first-come first-served formula will work, that means, whose site will be open quickly, more visitors will reach it and despite having great content on the site which is very slow open, no one will want to go.

So increase your site ki speed because the time is of high speed and even Google has told that which site will come in its search ranking, it will depend to a great extent on the page speed of that site.

So increase Website Speed. For this, you can use Pingdom and Page Speed Insights and if after this your site is slow then it can be the Problem of the server. Therefore, it is also important to get the right hosting.

Put great content to make a blog viral?

Do you put content in your audience keeping it in mind that will make them happy. Do solutions to their problems occur in your blog?

Do you put content in your audience keeping it in mind that will make them happy. Do solutions to their problems occur in your blog?

Does Audience become so engaged in your blog that it does not even know the time.

If this happens then your blog will definitely grow. But if there is something missing, then understand these points.
1. Write a content that your audience feels like they feel that someone is talking to them, telling a story or solving their problem and making their life easier.
2. Make the headlines clear, impressive and easy to understand so that only a reader will be ready to read your blog.
3. Share Variety instead of giving same content. Major Best Competition in your field and bring Best Uniqe Content on your behalf.
4. Take help of visuals so that Photos, Videos and Infographics can make your readers’ journey interesting.

5. Keep your content light fresh and interesting because no one wants heavy words and knowledge.

6. Say your point in short paragraphs so that it is easy to read and also does not cause boredom.

7. Use such font in which blog is easy to read.

8. Add Subheadings to your Blog and highlight Important Points.

Overall, do all that you can to tell your point in an easy and interesting way.

Remember, you must have done something similar in the Exams Paper so that Marks will get you well. You have to do the same here.

To be able to easily share your content on social media, use the easily visible social sharing button and comment to the readers and also Encourage to tell your ideas and suggestions.

The fourth question is whether you write on Trending Topics to do your blog ko Viral.

Article writing on trend topics to make blog viral

Like YouTube, you also have to focus on Trending Topics, which everyone has to know what is going on around them right now.

Like YouTube, you also have to focus on Trending Topics, which everyone has to know what is going on around them right now.

In such a situation, if you write Authentic information in your unique style on the trending topics of your field, then your readers will not be able to live without being impressed by it because you will provide them what they needed.

You can use Google Trend to find Trending Topics.

And the fifth question further is whether your blog is optimized for your Content Search Engine to viral.

Is the content search engine optimized for?

Friends, your content and site can be easily visible to the readers and they can open it on Search Engine.

For this, it is necessary to have Search Engine Optimization of your site or else think if your content is not visible on the search engine, then how will someone reach it?

For this, you have to optimize the Meta Description. Meta Description is the Short Description of your page which is written using Short HTML Code and you can see the Source Code of Optimized Websites

  • Important keywords have to be added.
  • Page title will have to be kept up to 70 characters.
  • Keeping your URL short, you have to use keywords in it.
  • Main keywords have to be added to the title.

Apart from internal linking of your post, you can now reach more readers.

Next, the sixth question is, do you embed video in your blog to viral it?

Do you embed videos in the blog to make it viral?

A very easy way to grow your blog is to create a video on the same topic on which you have posted the blog and embed it on the site i.e. by embedding video in the same topic on your site, you can increase the interest of readers a lot and Along with reading the blog, he would also like to see his visuals.

In this case, your site will be benefited as well as your YouTube channel will also benefit a lot.

The seventh question is, do you use Long tail keywords?

Use long tail keywords?

Long tail keywords are very specific keywords and they are made up of three or more keywords.

These keywords include your Main Keyword. These keywords can bring a lot of targeted traffic to your blog.

By using them you have to have a low competition face and they also increase conversion rates like Viral Blog is a short tail keyword while How to make a blog viral is a long tail keyword which will be very specific.

To do a Longtail Keyword Search, you can take help of tools like Google Auto Suggests KWFinder and Long Tail Pro.

Next is the eighth question whether you take the help of Content Analysis Tools to do Blog Viral.

Help with content analysis tools?

If you want to make your content better by presenting it every time, then take the help of Content Analysis Tools that determine the performance, tone and quality of your content and help you reach Relevant and Quality Content to your Audience every time.

For this, you can use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Now let’s talk further that the ninth question is, do you promote Blog on Social Media to How to make a blog viral ?

Promote a blog on social media?

In today’s time, Social Media is proving to be the best platform for marketing, so if you do not promote your blog on other social channels, then start doing it with you.

For this, use Social Media follow Button on your site.
Keep posting High Quality Content on Social Channels as soon as possible.
Create a Personal Connection from your Audience through Live Video.
Create your own Facebook group that supports the bloggers in your field.

You can also collabrate with other bloggers and with this it is now your turn to know Question 10: Is the guest post available on your blog?

Guest posts on the blog are accepted?

There is a very easy way to make your work available to a lot of people.

In which you can put a guest post on another blogger’s blog and you can also invite other bloggers to guest post on your blog.

You have to choose only those bloggers and sites whose audience profile is similar to your blog so that that audience wants to visit your blog as well.
After knowing about Guest Post, now the 11th question is, do you use Backlinks on your blog


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