How to Get Blog Post Ideas: A Few Simple Hacks for Writing Fresh Blog Posts

How to Get Blog Post Ideas: A Few Simple Hacks

How to Get Blog Post Ideas : Writing blog posts can be difficult. Especially when you’re trying to come up with fresh ideas to write about. You might find yourself stuck in a writing rut, or feel like you’ve exhausted all of the possible blog post topics you could write about. That’s where this article comes in! Here, are some ways to get blog post ideas that will keep your blog fresh and engaging for your readers.


Brainstorm with a friend – Blog Post Ideas

Writing blog posts can be hard work, but you don’t need to do it alone. Luckily, you can share your ideas with other writers on social media. If you have a friend that’s also into writing, ask him or her to help you brainstorm blog post ideas. Alternatively, you can use the ‘Share your opinion’ feature on social media to ask your followers to provide you with new ideas.

Whether it’s to talk about a new recipe you’re making, or the new book your friend is reading, you can easily get a fresh new set of ideas by asking others to weigh in on your ideas. Write a post in three hours You’ve probably been reading countless blog posts on other blogs when you’re struggling to come up with fresh ideas. Why not write one yourself?

Flip through your old posts – Blog Post Ideas

Maybe you’re so used to the format of your blog that you can’t imagine writing in a different way. Or maybe you’re too used to using images and text to tell a story that you struggle to write original posts. Luckily, you can switch things up pretty easily. Here’s how. Here’s a very quick example from a recent post that I wrote for my blog. Instead of writing about different types of cookies (this was a mistake I made, I guess!), I simply flipped through my old posts and chose a random one that I wrote a couple years ago.

Here’s a piece I wrote called How to Create a Font That Works for Your Site. I was surprised when I found something I wrote that isn’t exactly about cookies, but it still reminded me of those days of getting out of college and diving into web development.

Write about what you know – Blog Post Ideas

What’s the most important thing you know about your topic? Do you have experience that can be used to help explain it? Whether it’s your hobby or a skill that you have learned in school, finding a way to connect your knowledge to your topic can be a great way to inspire your readers and help you come up with ideas. You’ll have to take a leap of faith sometimes, so just do it. At the very least, you will find your blog post ideas growing in confidence.

Find your unique voice The way you talk about your topic can help create that fresh and unique voice you’re looking for. This helps your readers feel more engaged and takes the pressure off of you to include too many phrases or questions.


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Read the comments of your blog posts – Blog Post Ideas

It sounds weird, but reading your blog posts comments is a great way to generate blog post ideas. It’s very easy to get a lot of blog post ideas from reading your comments on your posts. Comments are a great source of content for blog post ideas. You’ll get inspiration from people commenting on your content. It might be something as simple as, “Hey I really enjoyed that post on introverts and extroverts.

If you wrote about that in your blog, I would be interested to hear more about it.” Or, it might be something more insightful like “This post really resonated with me. I have a similar issue and was able to turn it into a way to help others. I had to overcome similar problems, and I am excited to talk with you about it.” This is great content to glean from your readers!

Check out what other bloggers are writing about – Blog Post Ideas

Blogging is a great way to connect with other bloggers who are the same as you, or who you think will appreciate your content. A lot of blogging techniques require a lot of time and dedication. You have to put in the hours of research and writing before you can really get good at it. It’s a lot of time spent reading about what other bloggers are doing and trying to find inspiration for new posts.

If you check out the content of popular bloggers in your niche, you might be able to find some new ideas for posts to write. You could take a look at the posts these bloggers write about. Are there certain topics they often write about? This will tell you what topics you should focus on writing about. You can also take a look at the comment sections of popular blogs in your niche.

Find inspiration from podcasts and YouTube videos – Blog Post Ideas

Even if you’re not a big fan of podcasts, it’s easy to find your inspiration there. From creating a playlist, to listening to a few podcasts, you’ll be able to find fresh ideas that will come in handy as a blog post idea. YouTube, too, has millions of content creators (many of them bloggers) who are creating videos on all sorts of subjects.

They’re probably going to share something that would make a good blog post. Speaking of YouTube, check out How To Become a YouTube Expert. It’s a YouTube video course that will help you become a better video blogger. It teaches you some useful tips and techniques, and provides you with additional information to use in your video blog posts.

Keep a notepad handy everywhere you go – Blog Post Ideas

Many people have a brilliant idea for a blog post sitting in their head all the time. Then, when it’s time to write, they’ll forget the topic and can’t remember what it was. But don’t worry. The thing about the mind is that it’s extremely adept at erasing and forgetting. Your brain can remember random bits and pieces of info for weeks or months on end.

When you’re working on a blog post, take out a piece of paper or a notepad and jot down your thoughts as they come to mind. Tweet your ideas Every day, you have so many things to keep you busy. And while those are all good things, it can be easy to forget to focus on your blog. I find that if I tweet my random thoughts on Twitter, I can come up with some good blog post ideas.

Keep a notepad on your phone or tablet – Blog Post Ideas

Keep a notepad on your phone or tablet and jot down ideas as you come across them. You can write down short descriptions of ideas you have when you’re on your commute to work or while you’re waiting at the doctor’s office. Then when you’re on the go, when a new idea comes to mind, you can get it down as quick as possible. Start with a greeting Before you even open your computer, start writing.

Whatever ideas come to mind, put them in your mental notepad and start the process by greeting the subject. For example, “Hi family! I’m thinking about doing some sort of family video project. I’d like to call it ‘Here We Go Again’!” Or, “I’m trying to think of a new blog topic. I was just thinking about ‘What if all spiders lost their legs?’ If spiders lost their legs what would happen?

Use the Notes app on your phone or tablet – Blog Post Ideas

Ever have a note saved for a specific topic you’ve been thinking about writing about? It’s likely to be a few sentences on a subject that catches your attention and inspires you to write something. Find a news article or a blog post you’ve read before Looking for fresh blog post ideas? Look no further than our list of social media and digital news articles. Chances are, you’ve already seen these headlines before.

Why not take a chance and use them as blog post ideas? That way, you’re not always using this same old material. Follow new bloggers One of the easiest ways to get ideas from new bloggers and writers is by following their accounts on social media. Often, they’ll create blog posts on topics that you find interesting.


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